Catnip Non-Cat Purposes

According to a Indian theory of existence, “Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission.” Catnip is no exception to this ancient theory of existence. In fact, catnip has many purposes to both cats and humans. Besides getting cats high, the ultimate kitty drug, catnip can also be used for many human aliments. Catnip non-cat purposes.
The catnip plant’s botanical name is Nepeta Cataria. Catnip is also called: cat’s-heal-all, nip, cat’s-wort, catnep, nep, catrup, field-balm and of course, crack for kitty. Coming from the mint family, catnip is very potent and powerful in taste and smell. Nepeta Cataria aka catnip, has been used since ancient times from everything from treating colds to assisting in the treatment of insomnia. Here is a list of some of the popular uses for nip from around the world:
Catnip Uses:
- Cold and Flu
- Anxiety Disorder
- Relief of Toothaches
- Treatment of Sore Gums
- Relief from Colic
- Reducing a Fever
- Preventing Nausea
- Treating Headaches
- Treating Migraines
- Menstruation Pain
- Insomnia
Catnip can be used: dried, frozen, fresh, whole and milled. You can prepare catnip as a: tincture, tea, poultice and/or infusion.
It is even believed that smoking the leafs from catnip can produce a mild hallucinogenic effect. Historically, American Indians and people in the 1960’s and 70’s would roll up catnip leafs and smoke it in a attempt to get some mild hallucinogens aka a high.
Some historical evidence points to the root of the catnip plant being used for the opposite of that of the tranquility of the stem and leafs. It is believed that the root was thought to make a person fierce. Catnip root may have been used in ancient times to make a normal placid person bloodthirsty and aggressive. This would have been very useful in the time of battle or war.