Pinch off Flowers on Catnip Plants

To promote growth on any herb plant you need to cut them back. DO not let them flower because it is too early in the season. Although the flowers on the catnip are very pretty purple (and my bees love the color purple) you do not want them to start flowering. Once a catnip plant (or any herb for that matter) starts to show signs of flowers you can be sure that the herb’s life cycle is coming to its season end. Pinch off flowers on catnip plants. Contained within those little flowers are seeds that it will seed for next year.

You must combat these flowers by pinching them off as soon as you see them. You may even have to cut a little below the flower to make sure that you prevent the flower form coming back right away. In some cases you may have to clip the entire stem if it is loaded with flowers.

Do not toss the pinched off flowers. You can dry them out and save seeds for next year or you can give the flowers to your kitty for its crack fix.