Catnip Not Just For Cats
The famous Nepeta Cataria plant aka catnip is the ultimate trip inducing herb for the cat. But did you know that it also has human benefits? In fact, the roots of Nepeta Cataria go way back to the old country and even further! It is assumed that the Ancient Egyptian would give the magical herb to the their felines. The Egyptian cats probably requested it of their servants. Before trades with China began the British Isles would make a tea out of the catnip. This tea was a delicacy among the residents of the Isles. Once the trades began catnip was shipped all around the world. The catnip plant originally was native to Asia, Europe and Africa. Nepeta Cataria came to North America with the settlers and spread like a weed throughout America. Obviously, catnip had other uses beside for cats because it is unlikely that the settlers brought it over for their cats. Catnip not just for cats.
Human uses for catnip include:

- Mild sedative
- Infant colic
- Cramp relief
- Migraine headaches
- Indigestion
- Gas
- Insomnia
- Anorexia
- Nervousness
- Reduce swelling from soft tissue injury and arthritis
- Bug replant